Friday 2 March 2012


right i have decided that i want to be thinner, and I'm not going to stop eating because i understand the repercussions that that only makes you more unhealthy and makes your look horrible(anorexia) rather than looking good. sooo i have to come a conclusion that i am going to start yoga which i have wanted to do for a long time but never known how to start.
i cant afford yoga lessons and you would have to travel to get to any from my house anyway which would be annoying for my parents and GCSE revision after school classes coming up anyway so i have bought myself a book called 'Classic Yoga by Vilma Lalvani which goes through breathing, posture, warm ups, relaxing and three courses in yoga all with instructions, so far I've only done warm ups and relaxing at the end (and posture and breathing) so asap i am going to start on course one and work my way through it but I'll need to set time aside to do this because i have to warm up then do the course then relax- which takes quite a while but I'm really looking forward to it, should be very fun! .D