Sunday 26 February 2012

First post (just to be unoriginal)

Hey so this is my first post on this blog. about me: i love lions, possums, the colour green, pirates (18th century style-like pirates of the Caribbean), Alice in wonderland(ironic since I'm called Alice), books, rock music and fashion.
the famous people i would like be would be like are, Dave Grohl, Billie Joe Armstrong, Johnny Dept and Gok Wan and yes i know they're all guys and no i don't want to have a sex change or anything i just think these guys the amazing.
it may sound weird but i really want to become a famous fashion designer, because a) i love fashion and designing and b) i want to be able to hold some influence in the world, i want to be someone people look towards for their opinions and i also want to make a statement, become famous but not give in to all the media pressure and have magazines doctor any photos of me etc. i just want to be able to say f**k you to all that stuff and have other people take notice.
back to the thing about it seeming weird, that's because I'm an 'emo' and emos arn't your typical fashion designer 'material, well I'm not an emo and neither are any of my friends but that's what we've been labelled because we like wearing black and listening to rock music. to be honest i don't know how i would label myself- I'm not a goth but i like some Gothic things, I'm not a punk but i love punk fashion, I'm not and emo but i sometimes dress like one- i don't think i can label myself in that sense unless i just call myself odd. i also don't understand peoples need to categorise everything, originality is such a hard thing to come by now a days. doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to find it though!

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